Continuous, thorough and ongoing research has led to the creation of an all-encompassing new acne treatment which targets all aspects of acne – not just the visible spots, oil bacteria and inflammation, which Aknicare does superbly, but also addresses the underlying changes in the skin which are causing these visible symptoms.

We are thrilled to launch it for your use.

Stages of the Acne Process – How TripleLock Works

Stage One - Ceramides

1. In the first stages of the acne process, the skin becomes sensitive to hormones, causing the skin to lose natural oils and lipids fats which are needed to control skin water loss. The skin has to try and slow this water loss down Nutritime is a rich cream containing all 9 key ceramides (the building blocks of lipids) combined with fatty acids and cholesterol in the right ratio. This restores skin water control and so combats the hormonal impact that underpin the development of acne. As long as hormonal sensitivity is there then you need to continue to supplement skin lipids

Stage Two - Vitamin A (Retinol)

1. The skin responds to water loss by thickening up, speeding up skin cell production and depositing more waxy keratin (same stuff that makes nails hard) inside these cells. This slows water loss but as this thickening top layer of skin also lines the hair follicle duct then this narrows and gets blocked with dead skin cells and oil and in many cases the duct walls meet and it closes entirely. Synchrovit Retinol A normalises skin cell production rates and reduces excess keratin - reducing skin build-up and opening the blocked hair follicle ducts ('pores'). No blockage = no spots. You need to do this in combination with ceramide boosting otherwise as the skin thickness reduces you will accelerate water loss again.

Stage 3 – Aknicare

1. Since the oil is trapped under in the plug (blocked hair follicle), the surface bacteria which were feeding on this oil migrate under the plug. Here, in a preferred low oxygen environment, the bacteria multiplies, feeds on oil and the waste products on this feeding causes an inflamed spot and this can lead to scars. Aknicare contains a patented trio of ingredients which target the visible acne symptoms by rapidly killing 96% of spot causing bacteria much quicker then antibiotics (including antibiotic resistant bugs), and also reduces inflammation and normalises oil production rates. Each week you will see less and less spots. Use even if spots have gone, but once stage 1 and stage 2 have had an effect then you will need to use the Aknicare less and less and in many cases can stop the Aknicare.

The Complete Acne Solution

By utilising the key ingredients in these products you have a complete acne solution, targeting the visible as well as invisible underlying causes of acne. We have multiple Acne TripleLock product sets available for purchase. If you need some advice on which one is best for you, contact us and we will provide you with a recommendation based on our medical knowledge.