Ah samples, known by many as the tiny tester tubes for which you can try a product before buying, they’re usually found at conferences, PR events and sometimes even order-able online. They certainly have their place; allowing the user to try a product before they buy it, potentially saving money as the product may cause the skin to react a certain way or not even work for them.
A little while ago, we stopped producing and handing out samples for Aknicare – many may think this was a bad move, after all we frequently get asked if we have samples from people that wish to try the product.
For cheaper cosmetic acne products with lesser quality key ingredients and promote ‘over-night results’, samples are great. You can try the product and buy the full size after finding the products are suitable for your skin. More often than not, these short term results are just – hint in the name – short term and your skin can often be worse off after time has passed with rebound effects, side effects and more of the bad stuff.
These cosmetic products are also most likely not even medically licenced – this is where some companies can be a bit sneaky. They claim that they can reduce the appearance of spots, decrease oil production and minimise acne, what they cannot say is that they can actually treat the acne – only approved medically licenced products that can prove they work can say this.
Why samples aren’t always that great
We don’t provide samples of the Aknicare products, and for good reason. Samples are good for trying a product before you buy (as mentioned above), but if you can try a full size product for essentially no cost – what’s the point? If the product is actually any good, you can expect long term results, this is not achievable with a tiny sachet of cream.
We conducted clinical trials, whereby those who were referred to hospital with severe and persistent acne tried the products for 12 weeks – one treatment set. What happened? 80% of those found that Aknicare successfully treated their acne. With this amazing data in mind, we are so confident in the products that we even provide a money back guarantee – this means you can try the products and if they don’t give you the results or your skin doesn't agree with them, send them back to us and we’ll be happy to give you a full refund*.
Want to learn more about the Aknicare products? Click here to browse the range and buy now.
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