When the natural balance of the scalp is disrupted, excessive growth of epidermal cells can lead to the formation of whitish or yellowish flakes. This is due to an accelerated epidermal turnover, occurring roughly every week in affected individuals compared to about once a month in healthy individuals. Disruption of scalp balance, often caused by increased sebum production, promotes the overgrowth of fungi (Malassezia) and bacteria that are normally present. Consequently, yellowish-red scales may appear along the hairline and other areas of the face or body. Dandruff can present as small whitish flakes (dry dandruff) or yellowish, oily flakes (oily dandruff).
Will Closebax® Scalp Fluid work?
Closebax® Scalp Fluid is a hydroalcoholic solution designed to treat both dry and oily dandruff. It offers soothing and moisturizing benefits, helps prevent scalp peeling, and controls sebum production. The fluid also addresses the excessive presence of fungi (Malassezia) and bacteria on the scalp. It is effective for both dry and oily dandruff and can alleviate redness, tingling, or itching. Additionally, it strengthens the hair. For best results, apply the Scalp Fluid daily in the evening using the provided applicator and gently rub it into the scalp.
How long does it take for Closebax® Scalp Fluid to work?
You may begin to see results in just a few days, with about 70% of users experiencing improvement after a week. To achieve full effectiveness, use the product daily for approximately 28 days.
Can Closebax® be used with other treatments?
Yes, Closebax® can be used in conjunction with other treatments.
Who is Closebax® designed for?
Closebax® is suitable for individuals with dry or oily dandruff, as well as those experiencing scalpredness, tingling, or itching.
I don’t have dry and/or oily dandruff will Closebax® work?
Even if you do not have dandruff, Closebax® can be used for general scalp health.
How long will the products last?
The duration of the product depends on the regimen you follow. An intensive regimen involves daily use and typically lasts about a month. A maintenance regimen involves using the product 2-3 times a week and can last several months.
Has been tested on animals, and does it contain Parabens?
None of our products have been tested on animals, a commitment shared by both us and our research partners. Additionally, Closebax® products do not contain parabens.